23 Sep YouTube virtual house tours
Its been a long time since I posted a blog here and obviously a lot has changed in the world, and life here in Victoria has been particularly challenging. However life continues to go on for us all and business hasn’t slowed at all here at Enduring Domain. If anything the pandemic has sped up a lot peoples plans to relocate to the countryside or regional towns to finally get underway their dreams of living a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.
While working on a host of new design projects over the last 18 months a number of homes were also built and the owners moved in. Inbetween lockdowns and other restriction we managed to do some filming and put together some short Youtube virtual house tours with explanation of why things are the way that they are. Would have loved to have some of these open for Sustainable House day, but you know… Maybe some day.
For your viewing pleasure we have an owner-built family loft home built from hempcrete, a 65m square single bedroom smart home in Beaufort, a modern energy efficient addition to a 150 year old bluestone farmhouse, and another modern addition to an equally as old miners cottage in Ballarat.
Please visit our Youtube channel to see more videos about all things sustainable building design.
See more of this project in our folio gallery here.
See more of this project in our folio gallery here.
See more of this project in our folio gallery here.
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